In 56 patients with pathological narrowing of the airways due to burns, complete or partial loss of functionality of the neck, face and chest, 2 types of anesthetic methods were used: in the first group of 29 patients, local anesthesia was used in the superficial and deep neck, where the trachea was not intubated , a blockade of the cervical plexus (CSP) and a blockade of the trigeminal nerve of the mandible under ultrasound control were performed. In the second group, consisting of 27 patients, intravenous total anesthesia (TVA) was performed using percutaneous contact polarography of the Clark type to measure oxygen tension in the soft tissues of the neck (R TK O2). It is intended to determine the effect of various anesthesia options on the microcirculation index in the soft tissues of the operated area and to assess its information content as an adequate criterion for anesthesia in reconstructive plastic surgery.