Muscle pain accompanies many diseases. It is one of the symptoms of a number of rheumatic diseases. Quite often, generalized chronic muscle pain is caused by pathology of the musculoskeletal system, in particular osteochondrosis of the spine [2,13]. Often, in patients with osteochondrosis of the spine, criteria are identified that correspond to fibromyalgia , which allows us to consider it secondary in this case [4, 6, 10]. Currently, more than 25 terms are used in the medical literature, indicating the pathology of the muscular system [5, 12]. The most common are myositis, myalgia, fibromyalgia , painful muscle seals. Although the muscular system makes up about 40% of the body weight, its pathology is poorly understood [11]. There are hypotheses [7, 14] considering fibromyalgia as a psychosomatic or neuroendocrine disease due to the fact that autonomic symptoms and some functional disorders of the autonomic nervous system are more common in these patients than in healthy individuals. The available literature data suggest that in recent years studies have been carried out to clarify some of the mechanisms of primary fibromyalgia [3, 8, 13]. Immunological, biochemical aspects were studied, biopsies were examined muscles taken from pain points, electromyography, etc. , however, the identified changes were often non-specific and therefore not very informative in terms of diagnostics [15]. In this regard, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is currently based mainly on clinical signs [1, 9].