The article is dedicated to the actual problem of studying the application of the method of measuring the implant stability with the help of the resonance frequency analysis (RFA - Resonance Frequency Analysis) based on the implant stability coefficient index ISQ is presented.
The article's objective is to study the effectiveness of dual-platform switching based on the implant stability coefficient index. The research was conducted on the patients undergoing orthopedic treatment in the department of orthopedic dentistry of TSID with the IMPRO dental implants installed and the system of implant-abutment connection with the help of the fixation screw. All patients were diagnosed with Partial Secondary Adentia. All patients were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 consisted of 9 patients with an implant-abutment system without platform switching; Group 2 consisted of 10 patients with an element of platform-to-abutment switching. The study was conducted in the dynamics of patient observation - before placement of the orthopedic structure, 3 months and 6 months after placement of the orthopedic structure. The comparative analysis of ISQ (Implant Stability Quotient) in our patients in the group without platform switching, showed reliable differences in the indicators before and after prosthetics, 6 months later, there is a reliable decrease in this index relative to the previous period, approaching the values before prosthetics, which indicates the decrease of implant stability. Analysis of the ISQ values in the second group showed that this coefficient before prosthetics also averaged an identical value to that in the first group, which later on, with single platform switching, a reliable difference with this value; 6 months after prosthetics, a slight decrease in this value is observed. The stability coefficient in the 3rd group of patients with double switching showed higher index values after prosthetics and 6 months of follow-up compared to the 2nd group. In the double platform switching method group, the implant stability was reliably higher in the long term after prosthetics than in the groups with other prosthetics methods.